Bazuka Verruca Gel

£4.66 Out of stock
  • Bazuka Verruca Gel
  • Bazuka Verruca Gel

Bazuka Verruca Gel

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£4.66 Out of stock

Product code: 3090

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Product Information

Bazuka Gel contains active ingredients to treat the lesion and destroy any associated virus, whilst forming a protective water-resistant barrier over the affected area to help inhibit the spread of infection (in the case of verrucas and warts).

Bazuka Extra Strength offers the same benefits as Bazuka Gel but in a high strength formulation, providing extra strength to aid in the treatment of verrucas, warts, corns and calluses.

Salicylic Acid 12% w/w, Lactic Acid 4%w/w.Also contains: Camphor, Pyroxylin, Ethanol and Ethyl Acetone.

You should apply Bazuka Gel to your verruca, wart, corn or callus, once every day, usually in the evening. Repeat the following daily treatment routine until your verruca. wart, corn or callus has disappeared. Soak the affected area in warm water for 2 to 3 minutes Dry the area thoroughly with your own towel (to avoid cross-infection). Remove the protective yellow cap, leaving the white nozzle attached to the tube. Careful apply a thin coating (one or two drops) of the gel to the top of the verruca wart, corn or callus, and allow it to dry for a few minutes to form a small white patch which sticks to the skin and is water-resistant. There is no need to cover it with a sticking plaster. Take care to avoid the gel spreading onto surrounding healthy skin, as this may cause inflammation. Every evening for the next week, carefully peel or pick off the white patch of dried gel from the verruca, wart, corn or callus. Apply fresh gel. If necessary such re-application may be made on 2 or 3 successive days.

Keep away from eyes, mucous membranes, cuts and grazes.Not to be used on or near the face, neck, armpits, breasts, bottom or genital (sex) regions, or by diabetics or by individuals who suffer from poor blood circulation to the hands or feet.Not to be used on birthmarks, moles, warts with hairs growing from them, or any other spots.

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